94 research outputs found

    Security in Quantum Computing

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    Quantum key distribution will bring more confidentiality and privacy of communication in the future ICT world and will solve the eavesdropping issue. Domains regarded are e-government, e-commerce, e-health, transmission of biometric data, intelligent transport systems and more. So far, quantum researches focus on using properties of the qubit to bring improvements in technologies from our days. &nbsp;The purpose of this paper is to describe the quantum encryption methods. These methods can bring more efficiency of security in existing communications. In this matter, many encryption architectures have been proposed. As an example, the QKD architecture is presented in this paper.</p

    Simplified Power Allocation and TX/RX Structure for MIMO-DSL

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    In the newest generation of DSL systems crosstalk is the dominant source of performance degradation. Many crosstalk cancellation schemes have been proposed. These schemes typically employ some form of co-ordination between modems and lead to large performance gains. The use of crosstalk cancellation means that power allocation should be viewed as a multi-user problem. In this paper we investigate optimal (ie. capacity maximizing) power allocation in DSL systems which employ co-ordination to facilitate crosstalk cancellation. By exploiting certain properties of the DSL channel it is shown that power allocation can be simplified considerably. The result has each user waterfilling against the background noise only, explicitly ignoring the interference from other users. We show this to be near-optimal for upstream DSL when Central Office (CO) modems are co-ordinated. Compared with conventional waterfilling which is done against the background noise and interference, the performance gains are significant


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    The paper underlines the results of cardiac frequency recordings taken during a physical education class at 5th grade level, aspects relating to the preparation of the body for effort (stage 2) and the selective influencing of the locomotor apparatus (stage 3) throughout the course of ten lessons with various themes and goals, on a number of four 11 years old, male gender subjects. After recording and processing the data with the aid of materials indispensable for such a study, namely Polar M400 watches and H7 belts, we have performed their interpretation on the average cardiac frequency both at the beginning as well as in the end of stages 2 and 3 in order to observe the dynamics of the effort recorded during this part of the lesson and to see whether it is an ascending one towards the fundamental part of the physical and sports education class. Studiu de caz privind frecvența cardiacă în cadrul lecției de educație fizică și sportivă la clasa a V-a: aspecte cu privire la pregătirea organismului pentru efort și influențarea selectivă a aparatului locomotor. Lucrarea subliniează rezultatele înregistrării frecvenței cardiace în cadrul lecției de educație fizică și sportivă la nivel de clasa a V-a, aspecte cu privire la pregătirea organismului pentru efort (veriga 2) și influențarea selectivă a aparatului locomotor (veriga 3) pe decursul a zece lecții cu teme și obiective diferite, având un număr de patru subiecți de sex masculin și vârsta de 11 ani. După înregistrarea și prelucrarea datelor cu ajutorul materialelor indispensabile unui astfel de studiu precum ceasuri Polar M400 și centuri H7, am facut interpretarea acestora pe media frecvenței cardiace atât la începutul cât și la finalul verigilor 2 și 3 pentru a observa dinamica efortului care se înregistrează pe această parte a lecției și dacă este una ascendentă spre partea fundamentală a lecției de educație fizică și sportivă.  Cuvinte-cheie: dinamica efortului, frecvența cardiacă, lecția de educație fizică și sportivă, ceas Polar M400, centură H

    Cloud Computing as Evolution of Distributed Computing – A Case Study for SlapOS Distributed Cloud Computing Platform

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    The cloud computing paradigm has been defined from several points of view, the main two directions being either as an evolution of the grid and distributed computing paradigm, or, on the contrary, as a disruptive revolution in the classical paradigms of operating systems, network layers and web applications. This paper presents a distributed cloud computing platform called SlapOS, which unifies technologies and communication protocols into a new technology model for offering any application as a service. Both cloud and distributed computing can be efficient methods for optimizing resources that are aggregated from a grid of standard PCs hosted in homes, offices and small data centers. The paper fills a gap in the existing distributed computing literature by providing a distributed cloud computing model which can be applied for deploying various applications

    Hybrid VLC Communications System for Increased Security Based on Raspberry Pi Microcomputer

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    VLC (Visible Light Communications) technology represents nowadays a new paradigm that could have a significant impact on future wireless communications. Although this technology has many advantages, one of the most common problem generated by the use of optical communication systems (based on the light in the visible spectrum), is the increased degree of disruption of the communication channel under the direct sunlight influence. The purpose of this article is to present the technological developments specific to the VLC/IR-RF (Visible Light Communication / Infrared - Radio-Frequency) hybrid system developed in the framework of a scientific research project started in 2017, which were recorded during the first half of 2019. This system based on multiple sensory devices such as temperature, motion, light intensity, dust, IR and microbolometer sensors will present the ability of intelligent monitoring and control of indoor environments (houses, office buildings, universities, campuses, etc.). From the point of view of the final purpose of the project, this will result in a hybrid bidirectional optical communication system capable of supporting high transfer rates, increased resistance to the specific sunlight disturbance, and the possibility of transmitting sensory information over long distances. The previous experimentation activities undertaken during the project were based on the use of the Arduino UNO development boards. Currently, it has been chosen to replace them with the development boards based on the ARM Cortex-A53 processor, in order to improve the system’s performance. The Arduino development boards have limited the performance of the communications system from the point of view of the transfer speeds and distances. The new Raspberry Pi development boards, being a complete operating and control system, presents high operational performances that can be used in favor of the final goal of the project.</p

    IoT Platform for Personal Data Protection

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    Since the establishment of IoT (Internet of Things), a variety of end devices become interconnected with one another, and thus, new types of security challenges appeared which have to be taken care of. Personal data, at the moment, have a higher risk of being hacked by various types of cyberattacks, as a result of the abundance of connectivity in the cloud realm. To face this type of challenges, the European Union decided to implement in 2018 the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that implies that personal data of any kind can be shared with a third party only with their accord and can be, as well, deleted by them, whenever they desire. Henceforth, this paper introduces the PARFAIT project that will take into account this regulation and will integrate a platform with the purpose of protecting the personal data in IoT based applications, especially for smart home, smart office and smart hotel use cases.</p


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    The conflict has always been an inevitable progress and it existed since our earliest times whenever there was a desire to lead a group or even an empire. For this theme we took into account the fact that the term “conflict” has a negative connotation and it is often associated with concepts such as anger, aggressivity, opposition, although conflict doesn't necessarily need to be referred to as a negative experience. We must acknowledge the fact that if we experience conflicts in our lives, it means we are sincere, we express our visions, opinions, thoughts and feelings, and that, in this way, we can evolve and develop as humans. The objectives of the research within the international school Transylvania College Cluj-Napoca were to analyse the types of conflicts and what caused them within the organisation, the people who offered support to solve these conflicts and the number of conflicts each teacher had. For the research we used a survey where 37 teachers (males and females) replied to several questions in a google form at the end of the 2018 - 2019 academic year and where the responders had difficulties the researchers offered additional explanations by email or verbally. The study concluded that conflicts are not created because of the difference in objectives, but from the difference in how the parties involved want to achieve these objectives and the most common of the conflicts was definitely when people didn’t express clearly what they wanted or gave unclear instructions. Furthermore, a clear communication reduces the differences in perception and the probability of a conflict. REZUMAT. Managementul conflictelor în cadrul Școlii Internaționale Transylvania College. Conflictul este un proces organizațional inerent, acesta a existat și există din cele mai vechi timpuri din dorința de a conduce, de a fi liderul unui grup sau al unui imperiu. În abordarea acestei teme am pornit de la premisa că termenul de conflict are o puternică conotație negativă, evocând cuvinte ca opoziție, mânie, agresivitate, acesta însă nu trebuie să fie neapărat înțeles ca fiind o experiență negativă deoarece acest concept dacă apare în viața noastră înseamnă că suntem oameni sinceri, care ne exprimăm opiniile și viziunile, cu ajutorul lui putem evolua și să ne îmbunătățim educația zilnic. Obiectivele cercetării din cadrul Școlii Internaționale Transylvania College Cluj-Napoca sunt de a depista cauzele si tipul de conflicte, persoanele din cadrul organizației care au oferit suport în rezolvarea conflictelor și numărul de conflicte avute de fiecare cadru didactic. Metoda anchetei a fost folosită în cadrul cercetării, unde un număr de 37 de cadre didactice gen masculin și feminin au răspuns la finalul anului școlar 2018-2019 unui chestionar în mod privat cu ajutorul platformei on-line google forms, iar unde au fost întâmpinate dificultăți s-au oferit explicații suplimentare prin email sau verbal. Studiul a concluzionat că, adesea, conflictele nu pornesc de la diferențe în privința obiectivelor sau scopurilor, ci de la modalitățile de atingere a acestora iar cauza cea mai des evidențiată la răspunsurile primite este neexprimarea clară și completă a uneia dintre părți. De asemenea comunicarea precisă reduce diferențele perceptuale și scade în acest mod probabilitatea de apariție a conflictului. Cuvinte cheie: conflict, obiectiv, management, lider


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    Motivation is a major component of management and one of the most frequently discussed topics in literature. The issue of the psychological training of athletes as part of the training is of great interest, especially nowadays that the sporting results are extremely high. In tackling this topic, we started from the assumption that motivation is the process governing the choices made by each athlete to achieve sporting performances. This study studied the identifying of the main motivational factors that make athletes perform high-performance sport, with regard to athletes from for sports clubs ACS-U BancaTransilvania and CS Universitatea, both from Cluj-Napoca. The purpose of the research was based on a questionnaire, applied in the middle of the 2018-2019 competitive season, on a sample of 35 subjects, on 12 December 2018, having the opportunity to analyze the reasons for practicing basketball, completed with a comparison and hierarchy of the reasons for practicing basketball among athletes involved in a junior league and athletes participating in a superior league. Our study has shown that athletes who do not practice performance sports in the National League, i.e. the components of the ACS U-BT Cluj-Napoca team, are mainly motivated extrinsic by the need for status acknowledgement, while among athletes from CS Universitatea the hierarchy of reasons for basketball participation is different, with an emphasis on intrinsic motivation - or orientation towards task in achieving the goal. REZUMAT. Managementul motivator în cadrul organizațiilor sportive. Motivarea reprezintă o componentă majoră a managementului și un subiect dintre cele mai frecvent tratate în literatura de specialitate. Problema pregătirii psihologice a sportivilor ca parte a instruirii este de mare interes, mai ales acum când rezultatele sportive sunt extrem de ridicate. În abordarea acestei teme, am pornit de la premisa că motivația este procesul care guvernează alegerile făcute de fiecare sportiv pentru a realiza performanțe sportive. În cadrul acestei lucrări s-a studiat identificarea principalilor factorilor motivaţionali care îi determină pe sportivi să practice sportul la nivel de înaltă performanță, în ceea ce privește sportivii cluburilor ACS-U Banca Transilvania și CS Universitatea, ambele din Cluj-Napoca. Scopul cercetării a fost realizat pe baza unui chestionar, aplicat la mijlocul sezonului competițional 2018-2019, pe un eșantion de 35 de subiecți, la data de 12.12.2018, având posibilitatea de a analiza motivele practicării jocului de baschet, finalizându-se cu o comparație și ierarhizare a motivelor practicării baschetului între sportivii angrenați într-o ligă de juniori și sportivii participanți într-o ligă superioară. Studiul nostru a arătat că sportivii care nu practică sportul de performanță în Liga Națională, aici vorbind despre componenții echipei ACS U-BT Cluj-Napoca, sunt în principal motivați extrinsec, de nevoia de recunoaștere a statusului, în timp ce în rândul sportivilor de la CS Universitatea ierarhia motivelor care determină participarea la baschet este diferită, cu accent pe motivația intrinsecă – sau orientarea spre sarcină în atingerea scopului. Cuvinte cheie: management, motivație extrinsecă, motivație intrinsecă, performanță sportivă, baschet

    Statistical Approach on Floods Features Based on Long Term Data Series Analysis.

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    Nowadays, IoT platforms have key-roles in almost all domains such as smart agriculture, health, cyber security, etc. The focus of this article is on water quality monitoring which can be improved by the use of wireless sensing networks and the implementation of the IoT technology. The aim of the article is to develop an efficient solution for farmers who irrigate crops with large amounts of water. The solution provided is based on multiple sensors (water quality, air quality, consumption, and climate) so that several parameters of the environment can be monitored simultaneously. The monitored parameters are conductivity, turbidity, salinity, precipitation levels, pH, dissolved oxygen and water temperature. The collected data will be filtered and translated into legible and meaningful data using intelligent algorithms for farmers. This paper is based on the experiments developed in the SWAM project, and the location where they were performed was chosen in Moara Domneasca. The location of the Moara Domnească Experimental Base, where the case study is implemented, is located 25 km from Bucharest, in the Commune of Afumați, Ilfov County in the Subunit of the Romanian Plain. Thus, the quality of the water used for irrigation purposes can be determined following the analysis and periodic monitoring of the parameter

    Cyber-physical Threat Detection Platform Designed for Healthcare Systems

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    Hospitals are responsible for delivering healthcare services to patients in need. These services are large and complex and get affected by multiple interacting actors, such as doctors, nurses, patients, citizens, medical suppliers, health insurance providers. Lately, hospitals around the world are one of the main targets when it comes to terrorist attacks, the cyber realm being the principal source. The healthcare sector is particularly vulnerable due to heavy involvement in patient personal and health information, time constraints, and complex day-to-day operations. In addition to cyber-threats, physical threats are increasingly growing and even healthcare facilities are not immune to them. Malicious intended people created cyber threatening attacks with the purpose to systematically collect evidence against the healthcare system, to advocate for the end of such attacks, and to endanger people\u27s lives or to use the stolen personal data for bad intended actions. Henceforth it is necessary to build a platform that will get alerts and incidents at a fast pace in real-time to prevent any casualties at low cost. SAFECARE project aims to offer protection to hospitals and increase the compliance for the European regulations and security regarding ethics and privacy for health services. This paper presents a solution that will enhance security in hospitals. The primary platform will be built based on a BTMS (Building Threat Monitoring System) where events, incidents, and alerts will be transmitted by sensors from hospital rooms in real-time. Several scenarios were thought to simulate different types of attacks against hospitals and according to the scenarios, various prototypes will be built for assuring the security of the personal and patients from various hospitals.</p